Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turn The Heat Off!!

Okay, I like warm weather as much as the next person, but this is getting tiring.  Yesterday was our 17th day in the triple digits, and the forecast for the next seven days calls for more of the same.  At this point, all anyone wants to do is go from the air conditioned building to the air conditioned car and back again.  Of course, it is not as bad as the summer of 1980 when there were 42 days of triple digit temperatures.  I know that Rich will say that this is something he deals with every summer, but as he tells it, Vegas is a "dry" heat.  Let me tell you, Texas is not a dry heat!

You would think that John and I, and the kids, could get some relief from the pool.  Unfortunately, the pool is not very big or very deep, so the water can feel as warm as bath water.  Not very refreshing when it is 102 outside.  Oh well, hopefully this will only last for a couple more weeks and we'll be back into the 90's.