Have you ever had a period of time when you start evaluating your friendships? I've run myself down a little, and when I do that, I get very introspective. I start thinking about where I am in life and the people that I've surrounded myself with. Usually I will turn the radio up on my way to and from work and sing along as loud as I can. Recently, though, I have spent the drive just thinking about things, especially the people in my life. We all have different types of people in our lives - spouses, family, friends we talk to all the time and friends that come in and out of our lives.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the friends in my life and how difficult it can be to keep in touch with everyone. I try to touch base with all every once in a while whether by phone, email or Facebook. Most I don't really expect a reply from, I just want to let them know that I am thinking about them. What has gotten me down recently are those friends that I consider to be really close. I call and email constantly and don't hear anything back. I try to arrange get togethers and there always seems to be a reason why they can't make it. Am I being too sensitive? Do I just put it down to busy lives? I still love these friends and will always be there for them in time of need, but how long do I still make an effort? When do you stop trying so hard and let them take the initiative of arranging time together?
I have read articles in the past that suggest you really look at the friends in your life and consider whether the emotional drain of always giving in the friendship is worth keeping those needy friends in your intimate circle. I don't think it is that easy to put friendships on the 'back burner', or ease friends out of your life, but I do think there is a point where you need to withdraw a little. If these people are truly friends that care about and love you, will they sense that something is wrong and start giving a little back?
As you can see, I've really been doing a little bit of thinking. Luckily, I have a little bit of down time coming up to be able to recharge myself. Maybe at that point, I can re-evaluate how all the people in my life fit in.