Monday, November 16, 2009

Moved and New Furniture

Well, we got everything moved out of the old house into the new. Of course, there is still a bunch of stuff still in the storage unit. Hopefully, we (I) will have some time to weed through it some more and get rid of more. In the meantime, here are some pictures of the new furniture we bought.

This is the new sleeper/sofa that is in the game room upstairs. So in addition to the spare bedroom, we have a queen size sleeper to house plenty of extra guests (hint, hint).

Here is our new family room furniture. Our good friend, Marsha, wants this for her house. :)

This is Cami's new big girl bed. She loves it and has not fallen out yet.

My favorite is our new bedroom furniture. After 25 years (in December) of marriage, my husband and I got ourselves this as an anniversary present.

And, of course, what post would be complete without a picture of the Munchkin! Here she is ready to go to day care on a chilly fall morning. In case you are wondering, that is a bagel in her left hand. She loves having one in the morning. Of course, she can't quite say 'bagel' yet and it comes out 'wagel'.

On a side note, can't wait to see some more posts from the family. I think we have all gotten so busy and are neglecting our posts, although I know a lot of you are doing quite a bit of Facebooking. I only get on it about once every other week or so.