Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Been A While

I have to admit that I am guilty. I look at everyone's blog sites a few times a week, and noticed that it has been quite some time since I have posted anything on ours. I will try to post another blog with some pictures later this weekend, but I'm not promising anything.

I'll start out with quick updates on the guys since they don't have a lot going on. Jason continues working as a leasing agent for an apartment complex fairly close to the house. We have been giving him (not so) subtle hints that it is getting time for him to be venturing out on his own. ;) In his spare time, he plays softball on a couple different teams and golf with his friends.

John started a new job about three weeks ago working for IBC (International Baking Company). They are the ones that distribute Hostess goodies and Wonder Bread. He has one more week of training before he will be on a route of his own. Unfortunately, because of the new job, he is unable to get the time off to go on the cruise for mom and dad's 50th anniversary. :( We are still keeping our fingers crossed that something might happen and he'll be able to go.

Sara is now going to school at a community college to get her basic classes done, and working part time for a dry cleaners in town. She is also playing some indoor soccer; a couple of teams with me. She was approached again this week by the soccer coach at Brookhaven College. This is the second time that the coach has asked her about playing soccer there and going to school. We need to sit down and look at this as there could be some scholarship involved, but it would mean that John and I would need to help out more with Cami.

Cami continues to grow and talk. Her vocabulary is rather large and she doesn't seem to have too much trouble expressing herself except when she is tired and cranky (don't we all?). She is heading into the "terrible twos" already and is even more strong-willed than her mother. She is also getting some more teeth. At last count, she now has nine that have broken through. She is a very active little girl, loves her Poppi (John's name), and enjoys loving on the cats although they don't care for it much.

I continue to enjoy my job and the shorter commute. It is so nice to leave the house after 7am and be home before 6pm, instead of leaving the house before 7am and not getting home until after 6:30pm. I am still playing indoor soccer, and am in my fourth season of outdoor soccer. Before anyone gets too impressed, you have to remember that I am playing goalie in outdoor so I don't have to run too much. ;)

I am looking forward to a busy travel month in June. Besides the cruise the first of the month, I will also be going to Vegas for a conference. The conference is June 14-18, but I am leaving on Saturday, June 13 to spend the day with Priscilla, Melissa, Kajsa and Craig before continuing on to Vegas on Sunday. I am really looking forward to seeing the girls (and you too Craig!) as it has been at least three years.

Wow! That was pretty long. I guess I shouldn't wait so long before blogs as there is so much family out there and so difficult to keep in touch one-on-one with everyone. I'll try to do better, but no promises. :)

Love to everyone and keep up the blogging!