Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just a Quick Update

Sorry guys, but the computer is on the blink right now, so I can't post any pictures. I'll get some up just as soon as we can get it working properly again. I think we just need to dump the thing and get a new one.

Life continues to be hectic around our house as usual. Just a couple of highlights: 1) yesterday (5/27) I started a new job. This is a permanent position that is closer to home. I won't go into the details of what happened with the last one, but let's just say that I wasn't very happy there; 2) my darling son is moving back home AGAIN. Yikes, it's going to be a little more crowded around here. There was an issue with his roommate, so he is moving back home and looking for a job closer to us. He is hoping that he will not have to be at home for very long; 3) Cami is walking (almost) like a pro now. We have to really keep an eye on her as she gets from one place to the other before you know it.

Well, that's about all that I have time for right now. Love to all!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

We're In Trouble Now!

It's official - little Miss Cami has found her "legs". She started out a couple of weeks ago getting her balance; then taking one or two steps and using furniture to lift herself back up. Well, last night, she was walking all over the living room. When she fell down, she just stood right back up with no help from anyone or the furniture. We are going to have to be on our toes from now on. I'll try to get some pictures, or the short video Sara did, on the site as soon as I can figure it out.

In other news, the memorial mass for John's brother Jim was very nice. It was difficult for the whole family, but hopefully it has provided some closure for them. Cami did very well on the road trip and during the whole weekend. I had gone to the doctor Thursday afternoon, so he did the Epply exercises on me, put me in my neck brace and the vertigo was mostly gone by the weekend (thank goodness). We spent some good time with John's family and a friend of Jim's who had come down for the service. Saturday night, some of us went into New Orleans and had some beignets and cafe au latte; and a hurricane toast to Jim. Sunday morning we got together with John's brothers and his parents for breakfast for Mother's Day then got on the road for home. Considering the circumstances, it was a pleasant weekend.

For now, we are working on Sara's graduation and looking forward to the trip to Michigan for us girls.

I'll try to get some more news and pictures on the site sometime this week.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spinning Head

Talk about bad timing. We are heading to Louisiana early tomorrow morning for Jim's memorial service. And wouldn't you know, Tuesday afternoon my head started spinning on me. (For those that don't know, I was diagnosed with Vertigo last year.) I spent most of yesterday flat on my back as still as I could be. When John got home, he helped me do my head exercises hoping to get it straight. It helped a little, but today I am home again and waiting for my doctor appointment. At least today I am not spending the day laying down as there is laundry to finish and packing to do.

For those not familiar with Vertigo, here is a quick easy description. In our inner ears we have tiny crystals that act as balances for our equalibrium. For some people, these crystals come loose and just "float" causing a spinning sensation. Sometimes it is very mild and goes away in a few hours, others it can last a couple of days. My longest episode has been seven days, although it was very mild and I could still function pretty normal. In more severe cases, like the one I am experiencing now, an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist can do some special exercises with the head to get the crystals back where they belong. Of course, the last time I had to go see him, I had to wear a cervical collar for two days to keep my head straight. Wasn't that fun?!?! I told John once that it was like having too much to drink without the drinking.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Time to Write?

Okay, I know it is time for a new post, but between work and mom and dad's visit, and family, I really haven't had a lot of spare time. So here is a little something to tide you over until I can get something more up with pictures.

We had a wonderful visit while mom and dad were here and I was sad to see them go. I told Sara on Sunday night that I couldn't believe we only had one more day with them. She reminded me that I would get to see them again in a couple of months.

The three of us (mom, dad and I) had a wonderful day in Dallas on Monday. I revisited a couple of sites I have seen before, but more importantly, I saw some things that I have not taken the time to see before. Hopefully dad will get some pictures of the 'cattle' up before too long. We did a lot of walking as the only times we were sitting down were on the train, on the trolley and eating lunch. The trip to the Sixth Floor Museum was incredible. I'm not one for museum's, but I enjoyed the whole presentation there.

For now, I have to look forward to Sara's graduation. She and Lauren want to do their graduation party together, but have not decided on a date yet. They have already told (not asked) John that he has to cook. We also need to get her senior pictures done. Hopefully we can do that within the next week. There is a studio here that can turn the pictures around within an hour. We used them for our Christmas pictures and were very happy with the way they turned out, and the price.

Until time permits more, love to all!