Thursday, April 17, 2008

Counting The Days

Only five more days until mom and dad are in Texas. The girls at work can't believe how excited I am that my parents are coming into town. I guess it is because most of them have parents that are only a couple of hours away so they get to see them on a more frequent basis. The only drawback to them coming is that I have to clean the house; and all that know me know that is one thing that I really don't like to spend time doing. And do you think I can "recruit" the husband and kids to help? Ha ha!!!

We don't have things planned while there are here except for on the 28th. Since they have not been to Dealey Plaza and the Sixth Floor Museum yet (the spot where Kennedy was shot), and I have not been to the Sixth Floor Museum, I thought we would do that. We'll just take the train into downtown Dallas and walk around. There is plenty to see in downtown and it will be some good exercise and hopefully some good weather. Other than that, we'll spend the time visit and just 'going with the flow'.

Sara, Cami and I are really looking forward to coming to Michigan in the summer to see everyone (except Priscilla, Craig and Melissa, darn it). Unless things change within the next couple of weeks, I am going to look at flying us up there. I really don't like the idea of us driving that distance, especially with gas prices the way they are.

And for anyone that is interested, even though she officially graduated in October, Sara has decided to walk the stage with the rest of her class. The ceremony is scheduled for Monday, June 9 at 8pm. Whoever came up with that date and time must not have been thinking clearly!!! We are going to have a combined graduation party for her and her best friend Lauren, probably that weekend. For those of you who don't know (or have forgotten), Lauren is the girl who lives across the street. She and Sara have literally grown up together as Lauren's parents moved in across the street before she was born, so the girls have known each other since they were babies.

So, all said and done, I am counting the days until Mom & Dad get here; counting the days until Sara's graduation; and counting the days before summer vacation. LOVE TO EVERYONE!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Catching Up

Ok it's time to start catching up on news and pictures since it has been about three weeks since I've posted anything. Not a lot has changed except Camryn continues to grow. She is crawling, "walking" around the furniture and standing for short periods by herself. I figure it is only going to be a couple more weeks before she tries walking. She continues to be a joy to have around the house.

Here are a couple of pictures of Camryn in her Easter dress. Unfortunately, it got chilly, so we had to put a sweater on her after the pictures were taken.

And who knew that a toy basket could be such entertainment for the adults. I was cleaning up the kitchen when John hollered at me to come into the living room with the camera. He had been keeping an eye on Camryn and watching TV, and suddenly saw just feet sticking up in the air. I guess her balance is still a little shaky, but she did manage to get where she wanted to be - inside the basket with the toys.

Sara, Camryn and I were able to meet up with Cindy and Joe at the Dallas airport yesterday (Saturday), and we spent about an hour together. If I had gotten up a little earlier and checked the flight arrival information, it could have been longer. I think yesterday was one time that American managed to be early instead of on time or late. Their flight got into Dallas about 30 minutes earlier than it was scheduled to. By the time the girls and I got out the door and to the airport, we made it there when the flight was supposed arrive originally. I am going to see what I can do to meet them on their layover Friday. It will be a little more difficult since it is in the afternoon and work gets in the way.

Later this month Mom and Dad will be here. We are looking forward to that visit as it has been since Dad's surgery since we have seen them, and a couple of years since they have been to Texas. The early part of May will find us heading to Louisiana for a couple of days to attend Jim's memorial service. That will be a difficult trip, especially for John. He is missing his weekly talks with his brother terribly. I know time will ease his pain, but it is still very fresh for him.

Other than that, life continues on and we take each day as it comes. Love to everyone!